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Ways to improve work life balance during lockdown

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Working from home for the past six weeks has thrown up some specific challenges when it comes to maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Granted, being a mostly desk-bound profession in insolvency/law I have been lucky and able to work from home, not everyone was. But, a high workload, cramped desk space, always present computer/dreaded emails and having nothing else to do had started to mean higher hours and stress.

The separation between work and home life

Being able to have a separation from working relaxation is important. If you can, having your work set up in a space that isn’t your kitchen or lounge, or bedroom will help. If you don’t have a spare room/space, consider semi packing down your work area when you are done for the day.

Turn off

Have the self-control to switch off, stop checking those pesky emails into the evening. I found this difficult initially as I take pride in my work and being able to be on top of things. However, these emails can usually wait till the next day (for me they can) and it allowed my mind to wind down with less stress and worry, ready to tackle the inbox in the morning.

Keep active 

Keeping active and moving. Not to be read as cross-fit, marathons or other. But a simple walk to get a change of scenery and moving my limbs is ideal. I started learning yoga on YouTube during the last lockdown. I can say that I didn’t need to resort to this in the recent lockdown.

Staying connected

Staying in touch with friends and family (especially if you are in a small household) is a great way to ensure you have variety in your day. Although we may be tired of the Kahoot quizzes and Scribble games, having family ZOOM dinners to celebrate special occasions is a novel way to keep in touch.

Please get in touch with us at enquiries@waterstone.co.nz or call us at 0800 CLOSED if you’d like to chat or have any questions.


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